9th Week of the Fall CSA season: Week of December 21st
CSA Balance Due
If you haven’t already paid, your balance is due. You can pay online through your account, mail a check to Evening Song Farm 48 Nice Road, Cuttingsville VT 05738, or leave a check in the CSA cash box at the barn. It’s very cool to pay in smaller chunks, just let us know what your payment plan is. You can also email or call us to pay with EBT.
If you get an auto email about a balance due, either pay that, or reach out if you think it’s wrong. It helps reduce our computer work load if payments are taken care of when a notice goes out. Thanks!
This Week’s Availability
This week we will have leeks, green kohlrabi, baby lettuce, mini lettuce heads, spinach, claytonia, baby bok choi, green curly kale, parsley, red beets, yellow beets, carrots, garlic, yellow onions, purple and white daikon radishes, baby kale, mesclun mix, green napa cabbage, watermelon radish, salad turnips, celeriac, green cabbage, and red and yellow potatoes.
Ordering closes at noon on Tuesdays for Wednesday bags, and at midnight on Wednesdays for Friday bags.
You do not need to fill out the form if you plan to come to the barn on Wednesdays or Thursdays to pick out your items yourself.
Farm News
This week was surprisingly busy, but mostly just with getting everything harvested, washed, packed, and out the door. And when it surprises me how long it takes us to do that, then I remember that we send out more than 1200 “items” to all our CSA members each week, in addition to all the wholesale orders that go out each week. That’s a fair bit of food. So no wonder it takes up most of our time.
Ryan also snuck away to go to the New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference this week for a couple days. Conferences are an important way for us to continue our education as farmers and keep up with the current issues, technologies, solutions, and developments in vegetable and fruit production. He always learns a lot, and this year was a lot easier for our schedule since he wasn’t presenting… sometimes it’s nice to just sit and listen!
It’s been a bit of a full and chaotic week in the personal world of many farmers here, so instead of any farmer ramblings, enjoy the photo tour below.
Have a great week, and a relaxing Christmas if you celebrate!
ESF Team: Ryan, Kara, Galen, Taylor, Molly, Cindy, Katie, K2, Sky and Soraya