What’s an “item”?

New CSA members often wonder what volume to expect when they sign up for a CSA share with 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 “items.” We bag, bunch, or weigh veggies to be around a similar retail value, so that if you select a bag of baby lettuce or a bunch of carrots, they are about the same cost. Here are a few examples of the volumes to expect for an “item”:

1 pound heirloom tomatoes

1 1/2 pounds potatoes

1 large head of lettuce

1/4 pound bag of pea shoots

1/3 pound bag mesclun mix

1 large bunch of carrots

1 1/2 pounds onions

1 pint of husk cherries

And we make certain things “half items” for items that people often want a smaller amount of. Some items that are common as half items are:

1 bunch of cilantro

1 mini head of lettuce

1 mini head of cabbage

1 leek

1 bunch parsley